Healing Parkinson's disease
Bogusława Czarnocka
Mobility Rehabilitation Therapist
"GALLENA" Specialist Outpatient Clinics
Koszalin, ul. Wąwozowa 3G
Tel.: 0-504-158-841
Agnieszka Serwach
Ul. Marynarki Polskiej 55/3
76-270 Ustka
Tel. (059) 814 54 27
Ustka, 15 December 2006
My colleague encouraged me to try a physical medicine method performed by Dr Viktor Zenni. I was skeptical about that. And when I founded myself in doctor's office, I was being very nervous and shaky inside.
During the treatment I became very quiet. The inner trembling left me. After two treatments by Dr Zenni, I was converted to health improvement and started to pursue the cure on regular basis administered once a week by Ms Bogusława Czarnowska in Koszalin, what appeared to be very efficient indeed.
After each visit I was being quieter, more composed, the inner trembling was gone away. But first of all hands and chin tremor diminished visibly, what happened to be of a great advantage at eating and handling some daily activities. Such improvement was also noticed by the doctor neurologist overseeing my cure.
This is the method that I would recommend to all patients suffering from Parkinson's disease.