Viktor Zenni | About Viktor | Treatment of the Thyroid & Morbus Basedov

Viktor Zenni

Viktor Zenni, who arrived in Poland from a distant Australia, has elaborated a physical therapy without surgery which has improved the treatment of many diseases.

He came upon the idea in 1987, during his stay in Australia. He used to work in a library there and having had much time for free reading, he noticed a book by an American neurosurgeon Richard Bergian devoted to brain functioning. The subject involved him and so a deeper search was started.
One of the first bits of information he acquired was that a key role in controlling basic bodily processes was played by hypothalamus, converting electrical impulses produced by the brain into hormonal information forwarded to other parts of the body. Victor Żenni's idea was to provide proper electrical stimuli in order to improve performance of processes acting between brain and the endocrine glands, thus improving functioning of particular organs as well. Having studied at a technical university during some period in the past, he approached the challenge in a technical manner, employing medical devices emitting the so-called Bernard currents.
First he tested the influence of electric current on himself, and after recovering from backbone pains he decided to expand the testing field, helping his relatives first, and then moving to other Australia-based volunteers with various health problems. The results provided ground for optimism, and as the numbers of patients soared, he acquired more and more experience. He decided his method to be called the 'Zenni method'.

Victor Żenni claims that his method is efficient with many types of diseases, including experienced improvement in cases of persistent pains, allergy, after-stroke paralysis, menopausal problems and obesity. It seems that this non-invasive painless technique can play an important role in the range of natural therapies.
Though the mechanism of the efficiency of the Zenni method has not been explained yet, the fact that the therapy can help children with cerebral palsy cannot be ignored. Parents are often discouraged by lack of improvement in their children in spite of ongoing rehabilitation. The thyroid diseases are hard to cure as well, with the majority of inflicted people having to cope with them indefinitely. The depression and Basedow disease have been already mentioned, too. Hence it is extremely good that a new therapy appeared in the realm of non-conventional medicine that can improve the condition of people who cannot be helped by traditional medicine.